Shaking hands has become awkward. Not that I shake very many people's hands, but there is at least one person who comes into my office every day that I shake hands with. It's a natural thing to shake with your right hand. Well, at first I just awkwardly shook hands with my left hand, pointed to my right in explanation, and ended up having to explain the injury to every single person. Well I quit. Now I have just been extending my cast. It's hilarious. I would have expected the majority of people to say 'Oh, wow, what happened?' or at least say 'Aw man, that's a bummer' and get on with whatever we are meeting about. It's not that I'm looking for sympathy, but it's normal to point out that my arm is messed up. They don't! I would say 9 out of 10 people I have shaken hands with in the last week have pretended to not notice. I mean, really? Even if you aren't looking at my arm, you don't notice the fact that my hand feels like an alligators elbow? Of course they notice. But it's really funny to see them try and act like there's nothing abnormal about it. I almost feel like a handicapped person- people always notice but always try to pretend like they don't, for fear of feeling more uncomfortable than they already do.
I held my last volleyball practice of the season as a coach last night. For the past 2 weeks, I have been tossing and hitting balls at the girls on my team with my left arm. My left shoulder/arm hasn't seen this much action since...ever. I feel like it is literally going to fall off. And the girls always seem to forget that I am a gimp. They throw balls back at me as if I can catch them. I lost my voice screaming at them about it last night. And I'm pretty sure I almost made one girl cry. But c'mon ladies, we have been through this 100 times- don't THROW the balls back to me! Can you not see that I can't catch them!? I think this whole coaching experience has just reinforced my fear of ever becoming a parent.

Countdown to tentative cast removal: 9 days down; 75 to go.
geeeez making little kids cry huh...don't take out ur frustration on them!!! haha, jk!!