Monday, April 26, 2010

Food and bev

Well it snowed again, and my little fingers are freezing!  Did I say this was gonna happen or did I say this was gonna happen?  Geez, Colorado.  Get it together.  Apparently no one told Hippie Mother Nature in Colorado that April is considered Springtime.  Anyways, my fingers are cold.  And I don't appreciate it.

A few weekend situations...

I worked in a sushi bar for 3 years.  Mastering the use of chopsticks is a skill I am pretty proud of.  Seriously- I could probably eat jello with chopsticks if I wanted to.  And I get extremely annoyed with people who stab fresh, raw, delicious tuna with a metal fork. At least TRY to use those wooden sticks that are so foreign looking.  So anyway, I tried to use chopsticks with the cast, but my index finger and thumb don't exactly touch, so it was a challenge.  Attempt #2 was to use the left hand.  Aw, man.  Asking for a fork was just another blow to my pride.  Anyone who knows me well knows that I usually refuse help from anyone...ever.  So asking for a fork was more difficult for me than you would think.  I wanted to preface the request with "I'm not an idiot!  I really CAN use chopsticks!  I'm just a cripple right now!"  But I didn't, because that's just silly and would have made me look pretty insecure.  I did hold up my right arm in explanation though.  That seems to be the easiest way to explain myself these days.

Not to repeat myself, but I worked in a sushi bar for 3 years, and waited tables/bartended for a total of about 7 years.  Pouring beer is another thing that I have mastered.  It's pretty satisfying really, pouring a draft beer with the perfect inch of foam is something not all people can do.  Well, I won't be doing it anytime in the near future.  Try it with your non-dominant hand, and all bets are off.  I successfully had more foam than beer, damn it.  And my 21 year old intern had a field day making fun of me about it.  Apparently, everyone is starting to feel comfortable enough with my cast, that they just make fun of it now.  I guess it's to be expected.  After all, I'm usually the first person laughing whenever someone gets hurt.  I know it's mean, but I really can't help it.

Countdown to tentative cast removal: 13 days down, 71 to go.


  1. this is a blog i found that a mom had made for her daughter with an elbow cast. Its called kids with casts are people too haha.

  2. bahaha, good find jenna.

    julia, document more with photos.

  3. I will as soon as I can find cool stuff to pose with. I really can't wait til I get a new cast- I'm gonna take a picture of my awesome tan line before they put the new one on!
