The nurse busted out the super scary saw again. It really wasn't scary at all this time, but it still looks kinda intimidating. Her first comment was "Nice tan line." Cause it is pretty NIIIICE.
Not only do I have a tan line, but I am literally MOLTING. Yes, molting. Like a snake. This didn't happen instantly, but over the past few hours, every inch of skin on my hand has started to peel off. It's quite the distraction really. I'm having trouble getting much work done because of it. If you ever need a serious skin exfoliant, just break a bone. Trust me, it will work. Ew, and here's something that is a huge mystery to me- the hair on my arm turned black. Jet black hair on a ghostly white arm. It's really unattractive. I hope no one is eating while reading this...if anyone is even reading this at all...
After the saw came the fun x-rays. The first 2 were easy- just sit there and take a picture of your bones. The 3rd one, though- ouch. I had to bend my wrist outward so they could get a picture of my messed up bone. It was so painful. I knew right then and there that the cast was going right back on. Well, this is the first thing that I have actually been HAPPY to be wrong about.
Dr. Heyman: "Well that's weird. You healed really fast. I can't even make out the break. You want a soft cast now?"
Me: "Is that even a question?"
Dr. Heyman: "Well, yes it is."
I told you guys he was awkward.
Now, when he says healed, he means that I healed enough to wear a splint instead of a stupid awful ugly cast. I still can't exactly move my wrist much, but my range of motion is supposed to come back with time. I guess the pain I had during the x-ray was just from my wrist basically getting stuck in place. As long as it's not broken anymore, I don't care why it hurts. Anyways, people- I no longer have a fiberglass arm. It's glorious. Weird, but glorious. Thank you, oh thank you Baby Jesus! I'm so happy, that I might just sing the University of Memphis fight song right now....just sang it. I hope all you Tigers fans sing it today too- it's a fun one to sing regardless of what you are celebrating.
I know the few of you who actually read this are sad to know the blog is probably coming to an end. I will post a few more to outline how my wrist is progressing now that it is back in the sun, but those will be few and far between....
On second thought...maybe I'll just continue this blog as a means to complain about other random things that bother me. Yep, I think I'll do that. I'm really good at being negative and complaining about things that don't bother anyone but me, so I should be able to come up with a decent amount of content.
Countdown to tentative cast removal: 72 days down. 0 to go. Now, that's one big fat zero.